About Us
The Yellow Roses began in 2020 to honor of the 100 years of women's voting rights. In 1920, the yellow rose was a symbol of support for women's voting rights. Today, the yellow rose is a symbol of courage, equality, and social justice.
The Yellow Roses work to educate, empower, and engage youth to be active participants in their democracy. We give youth the opportunity to be leaders, to serve others, and to make a difference in their communities.
Our work ranges from voter registration drives to service learning projects to social justice story times. In 2021, we began honoring heroic women's acts of courage through acts of service in what we call a "school year of service." During our "school year of service" we organize service learning events that help students see the difference they can make, no matter their age. Events include honoring Rachel Carson by organizing park cleans and honoring Susan B. Anthony through hosting letter writing events.
We are so grateful for all of the support our community has shown us. We hope our work helps carry on the legacy of past activists while also helping to create future activists.
The Yellow Roses in the media
Mugs of Love - aired 1/23
Pennies for Peace- aired 10/21
Pennies for Peace- Central Asia Institute aired 10/21
Pennies for Peace- aired 10/21
Women's History Month of Service- aired 3/21
WTOP radio stories
A note from Mama Kate:
We hope that The Yellow Roses can become a resource for families and educators to learn these histories, which are not commonly taught in school textbooks.
We want to change that.
These courageous stories and histories can inspire future generations of leaders, advocates, and voters.
We decided to offer art projects for children and families as a way to create a safe place for creativity, for questions, and for discussion about voting rights. We hope you will share with us your art, your thoughts, and your new ideas.
Thank you for your participation, for your creativity, for your contributions, and for your advocacy.